Renewing the weary spirit

Renewing the weary spirit, Painting
Renewing the weary spirit
Nature.... Is the way out of the prison of our minds' - Eckhart Tolle

Due to the restrictions to travel during the lockdown it forced me to 'resee' what was around me locally. I began to appreciate the patterns in the ploughed fields, how the hedgerows divided up the land into shapes and new paths wound through the landscape. The patterns and textures really sung out to me and all created a peacefulness and joy that I wanted to create.
When I am out in nature, I notice what brings me joy and when I’m painting, I am following the excitement, from a curious exploration with paint, that my process gives me. I apply the paint intuitively, noticing and responding to any colours or marks made, as well as delighting in the patterns left by imprinting objects and stencils into wet paint.

Painting    34 x 34 x 3    £145.00    https://www.lisaderr...   

No. pieces
oil and cold wax