Lisa Derrick

Contemporary landscape artist, Lisa Derrick, grew up in a small village in West Sussex, England, where her love of being outdoors began. In 1994 Lisa graduated from Nottingham Trent University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Fine Art. She successfully sold 3 pieces from her degree show to private collectors in London. After studying, Lisa’s career took a slight detour to become a teacher, and it wasn’t until she moved to Scotland in 2007 that her art once again became a priority.

Lisa’s work is continually inspired by the Scottish landscape and her paintings can be a mix of representational and abstracted forms, sometimes creating a mere suggestion of a landscape through lines, shapes and patterns.

In the most recent years Lisa has changed from working with her usual medium of oil and cold wax to now painting with acrylic. Her process has also become more intuitive, responding to marks left by different tools and gestures as well as by imprinting textured objects or stencils into the paint. Lisa’s serene landscapes, are layers of intricate marks and unusual patterns that entice you to look more closely and take a moment to pause in our fast-paced world.


All of what I choose to create is an expression of what positively moves me.

When I am out in nature, I notice what brings me joy and when I’m painting I am following the excitement, from a curious exploration with paint, that my process gives me. I apply the paint intuitively, noticing and responding to any colours or marks made, as well as delighting in the patterns left by imprinting objects and stencils into wet paint. My paintings are an emotional response to what I have seen in nature as well as in the actual process of creating.

My goal is to evoke the same response for the viewer.

I want my paintings to give you the same feelings of joy, to make you feel uplifted and heartened. To give you a warm glow of happiness each time you pass it by.

I want my paintings to bring ease and fill one with a sense of serenity, creating a space to rest and reset.

I want to create framed sanctuaries for the soul. Havens of peace. Gifts of gratitude for this beautiful world.
