Entry Guidance

How to make an application

Welcome, and thank you for choosing to submit work for our exhibition.

Please read on for more information about the submission process.


The following are some general tips for completing the entry form.

  • You will have 60 minutes to complete the application form. Please have images of your work ready to attach beforehand. A total of 6 works can be submitted per artist.
  • When you’re ready to begin your application, please click the “Register & Apply” tab at the top of the page. You will receive a confirmation email shortly after.
  • Please consider the category of your work carefully, and ensure you provide an accurate description and dimensions – this will make the hanging process easier.
    • If you’re uncertain, or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask for advice.
  • Sale prices are entirely up to the artist, though we are happy to offer guidance. Some works may not be for sale, but we expect most will be.
  • If you wish to provide a web link to your artwork, please do so in the provided space.
  • If submitting on behalf of a child, please provide their name and age; or the name of a vulnerable adult in the "Preferred Name" box whose work you’re submitting. This will be helpful for the selection process.


Below are key points about our selection process.

  • Works may be of any medium or genre and must be suitable for public exhibition, properly framed, mounted or displayed. Any works which do not meet exhibition standards may not be considered.
  • All qualifying works are considered equally, regardless of experience levels.
  • The Selection Panel is comprised of several highly experienced artists. No Outspoken Arts staff members are involved in exhibition selections.
  • Artcall.org uses a jury voting system, where each artwork is graded by the Selection Panel, and then assigned an average score. The average score dictates whether works are accepted.
  • We expect submitting artists to be notified of their acceptance, no later than 1st July 2024


The following are key points about the hand-in process.

  • The Hand-In period is from Mon 22 July - Sat 3rd August. Our opening hours are 10am-4pm.
  • All artworks must be brought to our venue: The Art Department at 2-10 Causeyside Street, Paisley. PA1 1UN.
  • If sending work by delivery or courier, please ensure it’s safely and securely packaged.
  • Please remember to bring your artwork labels if arriving in person; or include them in the package you post to us. This will help streamline the checking-in process.


During the exhibition hang, please consider the following:

  • Artwork will be grouped by genre, and while we endeavour to display each piece in the best manner possible, we cannot guarantee preferred positions or placement.
  • All works should be fitted with either mirror plates or string; though mirror plates are preferable, especially for works that are large and heavy.
  • If your work is to be hung by a different method, please ensure that all necessary fixings and instructions are included.
  • Some work, such as those framed in thick, heavy glass, may not be possible to display. Please ask if you have any questions or concerns about hanging methods.


Below is a quick guide on our labelling and numbering procedure.

  • Labels are printed from the submission record of each artwork. Log-in and click the left "printer" looking icon.  It will create a PDF which you should print on to one sheet A4 paper.  Do not cut or tear this sheet as we will stamp paid on arrival at hand-in.
  • Once all artworks are hung, our team will number and label each piece for clear identification and cataloguing.
  • Information such as Artist Name, Title of Work and Price will be displayed on each label, along with a QR code which links to the Artist’s bio on Artcall.org.
  • This will enable interested parties to easy learn more about each artist and generate addition interest in their work.


Should any of your works sell, here are some important points.

  • The prices of artworks are decided solely by the artists. However, we are happy to advise on pricing if you have any questions or concerns.
  • No sales may take place outside the Gallery during the exhibition period.
  • Artists who sell work will be notified by email, and paid their remittances no later than 28 days after close of exhibition.
  • Outspoken Arts takes a 25% commission on any sale, plus VAT on the commission.
    • As an example - an artwork sells for £100. We take £25 on commission, then a further 20% as VAT on the original £25 – or £5. Meaning a total deduction of £30, leaving the selling artist with £70.
    • Remittances will be paid 28 days after close of exhibition. We will be in touch around that time to request bank details for transfer.
  • Online Sales - we can provide SumUp payment hyperlinks to any interested customer.  A maximum of 14 days for receipt of payment is allowed. Artwork will be marked "reserved" during that time.  It will Red dotted when sold.  If payment not received it will be released back into general sale.
  • We do not accept partial payments, deposits or any cheques.


If any of your artwork is damaged, here is what to know.

  • Outspoken Arts is not responsible for any damage received to an artwork while in transit, or before arriving on the premises.
  • Artworks damaged on site will be safely secured, and the appropriate artist notified immediately, either by phone or email.
  • If works cannot be repaired, or must be replaced, Outspoken Arts will cover the costs.


Artists should provide their own insurance both in transit and for work in situ at the exhibition.


Once the Exhibition ends, we move into the Hand-Back phase. Here is what to expect.

  • The Hand-back period is from 17-30 November 2024.
  • All works should be collected from The Art Department, 2-10 Causeyside Street, Paisley. PA1 1UN.
    • If collecting in person, please bring suitable wrapping materials such as bubble wrap, cling wrap, and tape - as we cannot guarantee our supply will suffice.
  • If hiring a courier for collections, please provide ample time for our team to safely, and securely wrap your artwork.


If you are unable to collect your work during the Hand-Back period, please read below for guidance.

  • We expect artworks to be collected during the Hand-back period, however we understand that this may not always be possible. If you have concerns about collecting your artwork, please contact our team on mailto:exhibitions@art-department.org
  • Artworks may be held in storage for up to 30 days after which we reserve the right to sell or dispose of any uncollected artworks.
  • In the case of extenuating circumstances, exceptions may be made.