Holding on - Emma Kasper

Holding on - Emma Kasper, Painting
Holding on - Emma Kasper
Acrylic on canvas

A representation of myself holding onto my hair for dear life.

I see this as holding onto my personality as I am neurodivergent and struggle to fit in at times, especially when we live in a world that struggles to accept difference.
Holding my hair has always given me a sense of relief by letting go of the weight that it brings down on me at certain times. The backgrounds wash brings out the centre piece as I experiment with warm tones to capture and show that I want people to know I am an approachable person, but struggle to show it. The flow of shapes within my jumper is supposed to show inner piece was I discover myself whilst learning that not everyone can understand immediately that I am the way I am
because of certain life events. This is something personal I aim to make aware and share it as I feel that the stigma around neurodivergence is that we can’t work in a society like this when we are more than capable of understanding and being aware of problems, we just approach things a different way than others do when it comes to processing information.

Painting    4 x 1.5 x 0.3    £155.00   

No. pieces
Plywood & manufactured wood