Emma Kasper


What better way to communicate the delicate, beautiful, and occasionally painful experience that is life than to use art as medium to capture our lives as they are happening right now, or even as reflection of them?

adore my communities, which are close to my small town in East Ayrshire, Kilmarnock. 

 By enabling myself to explore various artistic mediums, those communities aid me in discovering my own life's purpose, as I’m  constantly finding myself in a conundrum of life problems just like we all are. I think that is why my work is quite relatable to others. In college, I based my project around “Identity” which was very personal to me, making portraits of myself, reaching out to those who I thought were my friends. 

My work consists of 3 various practices; painting, printmaking and installation art.

In my spare time I enjoy reflecting on my goals and often find that I come back to a lot of my works that I haven’t touched in 2-3 years, to either improve or expand on.

By putting myself out there, want to gain sense of independence that so keenly want more of.
