Dance of the Water Bytes

Dance of the Water Bytes, Film/Video/Digital
Dance of the Water Bytes
soundscape, 1920 x 1080 px, 02:00

From one byte to another the machine must muster, for data is water.

A drop of water is like a pixel that shapes the canvas that is Florida. Like water, data is vital to the sustained growth of living beings. The presence of mundane Florida waters as noticed by Florida-born Goswami in 2023 are surreally layered and blended through this audiovisual-scape to discern how the presence of water at different times has a transformative effect on the shape of Florida. The footage of water seen through the video frame is metaphorized as data that moves through a machine as a digitally abstracted nod to the way water shapes Florida. Video footage of a residential lake in Ocala, a giant puddle rippled by wind at the University of Florida campus, to the waves of 30A are blended and layered together through three different movements that are aurally and visually perceived, for like water, data has its own cycle that it flows through.


No. pieces
video and sound