Isabel McNeill


I taught art for many years and also worked in graphic design.

Early on in my career I exhibited at a local level and a steady stream of private commissions, mainly through word of mouth, enabled me to sustain and develop my personal graphic style. I work with fine pens on a textured surface and never tire of the visual impact of black and white and the challenge of ‘taking a line for a walk’ to see where it leads. 

I find it visually exciting to incorporate the graphic distortion of the human form into the decorative elements of pattern and texture as well as juxtaposing space, solid black areas and panels of intricate detail. Each piece of work I complete provides the impetus to challenge myself to create another. I enjoy watching how people respond to my work as they instinctively move closer and closer to investigate my mark making and then step back with a greater awareness of how the overall image was created.

A nod to my Glaswegian background is acknowledged in the titles of my work.

Retired, I can now commit more time and energy doing something that gives me great personal fulfilment and feel I would enjoy and benefit creatively from being part of an environment that supports and values the creation of the visual arts.
