Louise Humphrey


I have been privileged, inspired and influenced by my artist residency at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) Glasgow at Horatios Garden. (https://www.horatiosgarden.org.uk). 
Working with the recovering patients and dedicated medical teams at the spectacular hidden gardens at the hospital, I have been overwhelmed, humbled and inspired by the courage, strength and passion for care and life shown every day.  
I have attempted to make those emotions evident in my most recent collection of abstract impasto oil paintings and delicate handmade cyanotype mixed media works. 
I have introduced strong vibrant primary colours into my work to showcase and symbolise the emergence of hope, determination and strength, as patients, familes and medical staff deal with often overwhelming and challenging circumstances.
Artist Note:- Following a successful corporate career as a Public Relations Advisor and Strategist to a FTSE100 business in London, I sucessfuly graduated with a 1st class honours degree in photography 2020 from the University of the West of Scotland.
