Crone with Braided Hair

Crone with Braided Hair , Mixed media
Crone with Braided Hair
This piece was created during the Folktale Week art challenge following the prompt "illusion". More recently I have been creating portraits of older women and have been drawing inspiration from the crone or Cailleach archetypes. This subject matter feels like a tonic to the bombardment or images promoting cosmetic procedures to enhance youthfulness. I enjoy creating images of older women with faces full of expression and character and I feel it is empowering for me as an artist and important to give prominence to faces of older women. I am also interested in the culture of folktales and fairytale and find satisfaction in creating unusual and mysterious imagery. This drawing began as a blind drawing, this forms an important part of my process and allows me to engage more fully with my intentions and be more focused. The artwork is drawn on antique diagrammatic paper. I enjoy the contrast between something neat and practical with the expressive and imaginative markmaking.

Mixed media    38 x 30 x 3    £135.00   

No. pieces
Acrylic, inks, fine line pens, charcoal.