The Princess's Perch

The Princess's Perch, Sculpture
The Princess's Perch
'The Princess's Perch' with its timeless beauty marked by green domes, arched balconies, and soaring minarets, transports you into a realm of mystery and fantasy, weaving in to your imagination visions of the tales it will tell.
Whilst the ground-floor archways beckon exploration, the upper levels feel as if they are accessible only by invitation. A main staircase leading to an arched entrance, surrounded by an intricately carved brick facade, enriches the narrative. Secret staircases beneath add spice to those woven tales with each being as unique as the storyteller herself.
Above, additional levels reveal yet more architectural splendour, offering glimpses through windows into protected spaces. What really captures the imagination is the isolated lonely balcony at the top right of the palace inviting you to generate a narrative much like a princess's lofty perch in a well known and loved fairy tale.
This artwork resonates with old-world charm, inviting viewers to marvel at the tales it could tell and imagine the lives of the privileged few invited into its hallowed spaces. It stands as a testament to the enduring allure of stories, royal abodes, and the magical fusion of fairy tales and architecture.

Sculpture    126 x 79 x 8    £2,850.00    https://www.sadiagul...   

No. pieces
wood, metal, glass, oil paints