Amethyst Wielding Creature

Amethyst Wielding Creature, Ceramics
Amethyst Wielding Creature
The Wizard was not forged with magic - instead, he was handbuilt by me! This sculpture was built using stoneware clay, handpainted using underglaze then finished with a brush on clear glaze. The Wizard wields a real Amethyst crystal and has a metallic, iridescent sheen to his coat and hat - created with a final brush of mother of pearl lustre.
I create silly ceramic creatures and am inspired by all things 'ugly-cute'. I capture this in big black beady eyes, melty little bodies and funny characters. My ceramic work often flows between emotional sentiments, encased in silly bodies and satire, joyful work that purely exists because it made me laugh whilst sculpting it.

Ceramics    19 x 20    £350.00   

No. pieces
Stoneware, Clay, Glaze, Underglaze