Quest Culmination

Quest Culmination, Painting
Quest Culmination
Growing up, I was captivated by the classic fantasy tale 'The Lord of the Rings,' which embodied the concept of a quest and an epic external battle between good and evil. In my life, this story has been expressed through my quest to paint the most beautiful landscapes around the world and in pursuing my passion for being a professional artist.

As the external fight between good and evil unfolds in real life and the world is filled with uncertainty and chaos, I realise there is no external enemy to conquer. The greatest mystery and battlefield lie within one's own mind. The real challenge is to face and master this inner struggle, to find harmony and peace within oneself. When a critical number of people achieve this inner peace, it will transform the state of the world we live in.

Painting    100 x 150 x 2.5    £3,800.00   

No. pieces
acrylics on raw canvas