I'm not afraid of losing people. I'm afraid of losing myself trying to please everyone

I'm not afraid of losing people. I'm afraid of losing myself trying to please everyone , Painting
I'm not afraid of losing people. I'm afraid of losing myself trying to please everyone
Created after a very traumatic life changing event that had truly made me re-evaluate everything and led to a long period of healing and self assessment, a sudden realisation that not everyone deserves your kindness and there are people who will take advantage of your good nature, lie, betray and abuse you- because this is who they are, and there are times when setting boundaries is paramount for your survival. Despite its backstory, this is a very positive artwork, like everyone I had ever created. I use colours to deliver the tone. Muted colours here ( especially green) to convey calm. Slight angle of the head is non confrontational pose. Red stipes- behind- to represent past troubles, but they are behind now. Ephemeral waves above- mean all worries passing by like clouds, disappearing. Arch and yellow- new way, sunlight. Passway into the Future. Free of destructive people. No more pleasing them. Its a losing game with those anyway.

Painting    89 x 89 x 3    £1,050.00   

No. pieces
Oil on canvas