Cliff Edge

Cliff Edge, Mixed media
Cliff Edge
"Cliff Edge" is a mesmerizing mixed media painting that employs acrylic, resin, and cloth to convey the dramatic beauty and quiet intensity of a coastal cliffside at dusk. The painting captures the moment when daylight fades into evening, casting deep, brooding shades of blue across the scene.

The foundation of the painting is built with rich, dark acrylics, layering various hues of indigo, navy, and midnight blue to represent the encroaching night. These bold strokes depict the rugged, craggy surface of the cliff, imbued with shadows that add depth and a sense of foreboding. The cloth and resin texture mimics the rough, uneven surface of rock, enhanced by the interplay of light and dark.

Mixed media    165 x 140 x 1    £95.00   

No. pieces