When in Purgatory

When in Purgatory, Film/Video/Digital
When in Purgatory
"When in Purgatory" is a horror short film that follows the protagonist, Illy, trying to escape Brian, a teddy bear, who seem to hold power over Illy and this world. As she tries to escape we see Lou, a mix of skeleton, skin and bones and is meant to be a manifestation of all of Illy's flaws (hate, anger, jealousy etc.) following her and getting closer. Illy cant even turn to her friends for help. She needs to decide if she wants freedom or revenge, who will play the monster? "When in Purgatory" is a film I have put months of work into and although I did much of the work myself I had some amazing people helping me by playing supporting roles, allowing me to use their facilities and giving me advice. The films narrative can have multiple meanings or messages. I want the viewer to make up their own mind about what this film mean to them. What do they see in its story? I have my own thoughts about what the story represents but much like my film everyone is different and is never the same, always changing, having their own thoughts and that something that is so interesting. I'll admit its a gruesome thriller film with gore and creepy scenes that make you go "What was she thinking!?" But its also me having fun acting, creating props, doing make up, dressing up and editing to scare people. Its not just a work of fictional horror but a collaboration of all my favorite hobbies. How scary can that be?

Film/Video/Digital    https://youtu.be/84B...   

No. pieces
Video (Includes props, make up and editing)