Glorious Abundance

Glorious Abundance , Painting
Glorious Abundance
I love colour, pattern and texture plus all things in the chaos of the natural world. I get a lot of my inspiration from my allotment…I don’t tend to have a destination in mind when I start a piece, but am often inspired by a specific colour. I love the journey of a piece, complete with all its detours. Collage suits my indecisive nature, allowing me to live elements around endlessly until I feel “that’s it”!!

Painting    55 x 55 x 4    £500.00   

No. pieces
Mixed media, predominantly acrylics, wax crayons plus layers of painted collage papers. I just love pattern, colour and textures…and the chaotic patterns in nature. I generally have no specific plan when I start a piece…but I enjoy the journey with all its detours and endless creative possibilities