Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh

Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh, Mixed media
Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh
Margaret MacDonald MacKintosh was one of the Glasgow Four, along with her sister Frances, husband Charles Rennie and his friend Herbert MacNair. Their work spanned architecture, textile, glass, illustration and metalwork. Her illustrations are etherial and dreamy, inspired by folklore, and often with highly stylised human forms.

This portrait of Margaret shows her distinctive hair, with a stylised body in typical Margaret style. The colours borrow from her muted pallet of pinks and blues and there are curves and solid lines as with many of the Mackintosh panels and illustrations.

I wanted to keep the top edge open, representing a dream floating out to the sky above. Three sides are framed in lead and the rest of the portrait uses copper foil. The beautiful clear florentine glass adds some texture and flowers as would typically be in one of Margaret's illustrations.

Mixed media    34 x 31    £200.00   

No. pieces
Stained glass, copper foil, lead frame