The Birth of the Cosy

The Birth of the Cosy, Textiles
The Birth of the Cosy
As part of my most recent course at the Glasgow School of Art, we visited the Archive, which was fascinating! I had asked to see some textiles, so they had looked out some interesting objects, including a collection of tea cosies! I immediately decided that I wanted to go down this completely bonkers route in order to create something for our exhibition in the Reid Building. I based my design on The Heart of the Rose, by Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh. The original has at its centre a rather scary looking baby, so I changed that to a Mackintosh rose design. It took forever to make, but I loved doing it!

Textiles    30 x 27 x 19    £480.00   

No. pieces
Calico, silk, wadding, felt, embroidery silks, beads.