Pig (Diptych)

Pig (Diptych), Painting
Pig (Diptych)

• Artist name: Russell MacEwan
• E-mail: black_sun_1000@yahoo.com
• Mobile: 07784620881
• Website/ Socials: instagram.com/macewan_
• Location: Glasgow
• Brief bio/ statement: MacEwan is a primarily a figurative artist in both analogue and digital mediums. Classical art themes from Rembrandt to Kollwitz and modern artists Saville and Freud. A graduate of Glasgow Schoolof Art, MacEwan has just completed Phase 1 of Bella The Beithir, Stockingfield Bridge, Glasgow for Nichol Wheatley and Make It Glasgow.
• Overview description of artworks included: Two large scale digital artworks printed on canvas.

Painting    100 x 200    £500.00    https://instagram.co...   

No. pieces
Digital art on canvas print