
Ascension, Painting
Abstract art is a core, fundamental strand of my artistic practice. It is the nerve of my aesthetic research. Visual form, colour, line are not passive objects for manipulation, but full-fledged actors for me. In my works they are formed into plots, each of them carries a dramatic tension. It can be extrapolated into the usual forms of narratives, or it can be contemplated as a constructive framework, an axis of aesthetic experience. In creating abstractions, I appeal to the very nature of human perception, reflecting in visual images the manner of abstract thinking and feeling. We translate almost everything into abstractions, it is a way we all share in common to see the world and retain what we see. I strive to open up the visual form, to decompose it down to this basic principle, to behold the mirror of my own perception before my eyes.

Painting    120 x 100    £2,500.00   

No. pieces
Canvas, Mixed Media