Diane Joyce


After retiring from teaching digital design at FE and HE levels, I have returned to my art school degree subject, printed textiles making use of Print Clan's open access studio. My subjects for screen printing are varied from drawn images to digitally manipulated photographs utilising my wide range of software skills.

Having previously worked as an illustrator and graphic designer, I am used to designing to a client brief and am still exploring my own style and direction of my artwork, often referring to the thousands of digital photographs I have taken over the past 3 decades.

i love nature and looking closely at simple subjects which are often overlooked or taken for granted in our busy, technology-overloaded world. I hope I can look after my small part of this world, taking care to be eco-friendly and sustainable as possible which has led me to question whether screen printing is sustainable given the amount of energy and water used and the waste produced.

Recently, I have moved to screenprinting on paper working in smaller scale and intend to pursue this further.
