Iona Kewney


I am a contemporary artist who produces work in a variety of media including drawing, painting, printmaking, dance and performance art.

I started drawing and sports from an early age. Fuelled with imagination and energy, art and dance became a hunger to develop and strengthen a variety of artistic and physical techniques that charges my own personal visions. A passion to look at life in detail, search emotions and visualise from the inside out. Observation and action becomes my content. But most importantly, imagination in my art forms, brings purpose to interconnected ideas. In general, I focus on life experiences employing a lyrical expressionism of anatomical physicality, nature, animal, atmosphere, architecture and structural form.

I studied Fine Art Printmaking at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee, Dance at School for New Dance SNDO in Amsterdam, Circus at cirkuspiloterna / DOCH in Stockholm. I have been performing my numerous solos internationally for 25 years at major theatres and festivals worldwide. I have also been dancing for decades with Belgian choreographers Alain Platel / Les Ballets C de La B and Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez. I am currently on world tours with the latest two productions of Wim Vandekeybus. 
