Karen Rojboonthueng


As a mosaic artist, I am driven by a passion for both creativity and sustainability. My art is not only a reflection of my artistic vision but also a commitment to environmental consciousness. By utilizing recycled aluminium cans as my primary medium, I strive to breathe new life into discarded materials, transforming them into vibrant and intricate works of art.

Each mosaic piece I create tells a story of resilience and resourcefulness, celebrating the potential for beauty in the overlooked and discarded. Through careful craftsmanship and attention to detail, I merge the unique textures and colours of aluminium cans into dynamic compositions that captivate the eye and inspire the imagination.

My artistic process is rooted in a deep respect for the planet and a desire to minimise waste. By repurposing materials that would otherwise end up in landfills, I aim to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable practices in art and everyday life. Through my work, I hope to spark conversations about environmental stewardship and encourage others to see the artistic potential in the world around them.

Ultimately, my goal as a mosaic artist is to create not only visually stunning pieces but also to inspire change and promote a more sustainable future. With each mosaic, I invite viewers to reconsider their relationship with the environment and to embrace the beauty of repurposed materials.
