Arantza Elosua


I was born and raised in Barcelona but moved to Scotland two decades ago and love to travel to see the world from different cool angles, which I portray in my unique paintings through the unexpected.

I am an abstract artist with a background in linguistics and interior design. My eye-catching artistic style follows an intuitive, passionate approach, with a focus on capturing emotion and conveying energy through vibrant colours, bold marks, shapes and texture.

I have always been obsessed with the subconscious and dreams, so my paintings are an extension of what I feel deeply inside of me: dream -like, child-like sometimes, always full of emotions and colours. What do you see when you close your eyes?

As a late in life artist, to me art is an accumulated visceral form of (self) expression that allows me to explore emotions and hint messages for the viewer to interpret.

I aim to create works that communicate an optimistic energy and zest through abstraction and colour psychology. Happy artworks with a hidden message waiting to be revealed.
