Claudia Duncan


Everything is Connected

Claudia Duncan, a German-Scottish artist and entrepreneur, channels her diverse background in finance and accounting into a vibrant artistic practice centered around the profound interconnectedness of existence. While her journey initially led her into the realm of business, her passion for art never waned. Co-founding art4you Scotland with her husband Ewen Duncan, Claudia has cultivated a thriving art community, making creativity accessible to all.

Inspired by the beauty of everyday life, Claudia's work boldly asserts the universal truth that nothing exists in isolation. Through her exploration of oil and pastels, she transforms mundane objects into powerful metaphors, weaving intricate connections between them. Her journey through adversity, including a battle with breast cancer, has deepened her appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things, infusing her art with resilience and hope.

In response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Claudia found new ways to support her community while honing her craft. Through fundraising initiatives and exhibitions, she leveraged her artistic talents to uplift those in need, embodying the spirit of compassion and solidarity. In her latest body of work, Claudia's vibrant colours and dynamic compositions serve as a visual reminder of the intricate web that binds us all. Each mark speaks to the inherent unity of existence, urging viewers to recognize the profound interdependence of every element in our world. As she continues to explore the depths of connectivity through her art, Claudia invites us to contemplate our place within the larger tapestry of life, inspiring reflection, empathy, and connection.
