Lisa Hooper


I am a printmaker specialising in reduction linocut/woodcut and zinc-plate etching. I am attracted to printmaking by the surface quality of the finished prints and the relationship between the craft process and the finished image. I also enjoy the process of abstraction demanded by printmaking.   I have tried to develop a unique approach to reduction work using partial inking, glazes and masks to achieve clear, bright results. 
I experienced a huge change in my work when I bought a Columbian Press and again when I started to use an iPad for design. The interaction between technology and artistic output continues to fascinate me. 
Much of my work is inspired by the natural world and in it I attempt to communicate what I see and feel about it. Sometimes the focus is on the character or essence of a creature (often a bird). At other times it might be an attempt to capture an intriguing pattern or form. I have been a field naturalist all my life and I am increasingly aware of the many immediate challenges facing our wild places and their inhabitants. My ambition is to increase awareness of wildlife and its plight through  work that is recognisable, decorative and resonant.
