

I am an Edinburgh artist and have lived in Scotland for the past twenty six years. I was born in India and grew up there. I had artistic interests from a very early age. I picked up the brush again in earnest after retirement. My work has been displayed at a number of art exhibitions.

My undergraduate degree was in natural sciences. In the UK I have worked with the voluntary sector, the Scottish Government and the National Health Service (NHS) with several reports and research publications which have influenced public policy. My EdD was from the University of Edinburgh. I enrolled on short courses at Edinburgh College of Art to discover themes that I could own and connect with.

I use oil paint, marble dust and dry pigment to bring about texture and feeling. My inspiration for paintings comes from the time spent in places with abundant natural beauty (rivers; wildlife, forests; the foothills of the Himalayas). Walks on Scottish hills ignites my deep-rooted connection with nature – its offer of hope, comfort, freedom and unconditional friendship. The memories and feelings come to the fore when observing the fast-changing weather displays and magical scenarios waiting to be captured.
