Vlasta Martinec


I was born in Prag and since 1978 have been living in Switzerland. I worked as an independet architect until recently. In the years 2000-2010 i have been visititing the art school in Basel, to study the technique of acrylic art. Painting becam my hobby and also a love of my. I like to paint figures, their movements and gestures, the suspence inside the body and a feeling of rest. Acrylic technique allows me to express the moment of a situation. From 2010 i regulary take part in exibitions, private and also goup shows. In Switzerland, in the Czech republik and in Germany. My brother, Ladislav Smrcek, lives in Glasgow and is also an artist. He has exibited  at your ART Paisley last year. He had the idea that I schould register myself for th year 2024. Thank you
