Lara Edgar


After living on and exploring the Moray coastline for the past few years, it seems obvious now that it should naturally become an influential subject. Much like the layered and active landscape around us, the work I create goes through many changes as it grows. Starting with a composition in texture paste or a snippet of a photograph, I then paint, scrape, sand, add, and rework. I am inspired by the physical feeling of the land as much as its appearance: the grit of the sand, the salt in the sea, and the rough, bumpy, jagged bits that trip you up as you walk. In addition, architectural fragments from the past like lighthouses, old bothies and pillboxes stand as reminders of human interaction with the coast. I find I am equally drawn to these dilapidated man-made structures as I am the natural world they sit in. Recently, I have been experimenting with different techniques such as reusing mount boards and old frames. The repurposing of the frames provides another way to explore the relationship between the past and present, man-made and natural to the cycle of the constantly changing landscape. Currently, I am exploring other methods of making such as collagraph.
