Thomas Donnelly


I am Thomas Donnelly , I’m 54 years old I’m originally from Paisley but now reside in the north ayrshire town known as Kilbirnie , my artistic talents started at a young age but didn’t start painting properly till 2019 , my art work is based on the renaissance period , I try to captures the human body and features in all its complexity and beauty , my use of light and shadow, perspective, and proportion creates lifelike images that seem to leap of the canvas with the amount of detail and time I put into my art work, I experimented with many mediums but found that oil paint worked better for me , which allowed for greater detail and depth in my work , i found this worked better with my type of style in painting , i introduced my self to Adam McLean who owned the studio and gallery in Kilbirnie , he encouraged me to go further with my work from then I have persisted in painting , Adam McLean asked to use one of my images for a mural that is in Craig house square Kilbirnie ,it’s known as the kilbirnie Mona Lisa which was put up in 2019 ,
