Marsin Minéart


I'm a young French-Vietnamese painter. I arrived in France at the age of 18 to study economics, graduating from a Parisian university with a PhD in economics in 2019. Then came the Covid-19 crisis, during which I fully questioned the meaning of my life. In early 2023, I made a radical decision to leave Paris and move to the South of France, where I decided to become a professional artist.

I am self-taught and want to let my instincts guide me in my artistic endeavors. On this path, I am greatly influenced by the painters of the Expressionist movement, as well as by my Vietnamese culture. My works include self-portraits, portraits and other aspects of life (love, animals, landscape, Vietnam - his native country). Artistically, I paint not only what I see, but also what I feel. I place great importance on color. The strokes are vivid and spontaneous.

I mainly use pastel as a means of expression. The high concentration of pigments and spontaneity of pastel best suit my character and need to express myself. The A4 format (30x21cm) is his favorite, because each work is like a story he wants to tell in his diary.
