Clara Cabrie


My name is Clara Cabrie, I'm a local mixed media artist. I've lived and worked in Paisley for over 40 years but originally born and bred in Crosslee. In 2004 I gained a City & Guilds diploma in Embroidery and Design and I am self taught in painting and sculpture. I am influenced by everything I see around me. Flowers and birds are mainly the catalysts that spark my imagination. I can't throw anything away without considering it's potential as a future work of art therefore I collect and recycle anything from toilet rolls to plastic shampoo bottles!. Colour, texture and the obscure are the main themes in my work and I can have quite a few projects on the go at the same time. Some ideas can be spontaneous, while others take a tad longer to complete but that's the way my  brain works which is all part of my creative process. I like to experiment with different mediums like clay, paper, plastic, colored threads and fabrics. I'm not too bothered whether people like my artwork but as long as i get a response. Good or bad I'm happy.  

