Mehmet Akif ÖZDAL

he was born in Sivas/Center in 2000. By continuing his Primary, Secondary and High school education in Sivas,
He started his painting studies in middle school. The ability to paint at an early age
upon its discovery, he started the Painting department of the Fine Arts High School in 2014, this
since the period, he has been trained on Pattern for a long time. After high school education
he wanted to continue his line in the field of painting and in 2018, Sivas Cumhuriyet
He has earned a degree in Painting Business Teaching from the Faculty of Education of the University. Formal
In addition to education, to gain different perspectives by being interested in the side branches of the field
and Web Design and Coding, Photography and Camerawork, Child Development, and
By enrolling in Visual Communication Design departments within the scope of the second university.
He continues the process of self-development in different branches related to his department. This
in the process, it is National and International. In various artistic competitions, Projects and Events
he has earned degrees and awards.


Digital Art
