Peter Kelly

My work attempts to express the sensory experiences to be found when I walk the coastline off my hometown on the west coast of Scotland. Colour, marks, tones, textures, shapes, sounds and smells exist in abundance. This natural inspiration combines to inform and provide the stimulus which finds its way into the work. In my practice I work in ways, including layering and scraping back. Much as the elements do I strive to capture the essence and energy of the ongoing replacement and renewal of the coastal landscape. 


My connection with the Scottish coastal landscape and waterways goes back over three generations. For me it began at the age of just three weeks old, over 6 decades ago, when I was taken sailing by my father on his father’s boat the Mhari2. It is a connection that runs deep and has never left me, it is the thread that runs through my art practice. Whilst I no longer sail you will still find me at the water’s edge sketching, recording and collecting a vast array of reference materials. My work expresses the sensory experiences to be found when walking the coastline and surroundings of the west coast of Scotland.  As well as the visual elements of colours, shapes, and textures I am influenced by the sounds and smells of the coast. The movement of the wind and water find their way into my paintings as I strive capture the constant energy and renewal of the coastal landscape. Just as the play of the natural elements constantly change and reshape the coastline, my process of layering, scraping back and rebuilding illustrates my experience of the west coast of Scotland. The variety that can be found in the environment is reflected in the range of media I use, from acrylic paints to pastels and charcoal. It is important to me that the colours, textures and marks I use heighten the viewer’s interest and captures the essence of place.
