I studied art as a teenager at higher level, i then left school and due to ill health i didn't return to studying art. I went on to become a holistic therapist and reiki healer. I never thought about art until the pandemic i decided to pick up my paints again and have stopped since. It has helped me grow as a person becoming self aware and has taken me on a journey spiritually as both art and spirituality comes from the heart. My main style of art is mixed medium as i don't want to be tied to one style or medium. I love textured art that can be felt physically as well as emotionally. I use many different materials to build texture, i love the freedom of mixed medium. I love to work on wood as well as canvas.  I cant imagine doing anything else now as art is part of who i am.


Since an early age I have been highly sensitive, I pick up on energy which can be a good and bad thing as I not only deal with my own energy but everyone else’s too. I studied art as a teenager but I had to stop due to Ill health, I studied as a complimentary therapist and energy healer, but again was taking on these energies and it was affecting my health. I found art again! Or it found me! I have found an outlet to pour these emotions onto the canvas. It feels right and what I’m supposed to be doing! It seems to stir emotions in people as I give a piece of my heart in every artwork. 
