Sheree Young


I embrace the unpredictability of watercolors. Rather than always rigidly following traditional methods, I often pour color onto paper, allowing fluidity to shape my contemporary paintings. The immediacy of watercolors captures moments of inspiration, infusing my work with life and vibrancy. Nature features prominently in my art. Animals, forests, oceans, flowers emerge from my brushstrokes. Their organic shapes resonate with my creative process, evoking a sense of wonder and connection to the natural world. This openness fuels my continuous learning.  My versatility allows me to express diverse emotions and experiences through watercolors. I revels in the medium’s spontaneity. The fluidity of watercolors allow me to create luminous washes, delicate details, and captivating textures.  I balance control and surrender, coaxing beauty from the interplay of pigments and water.  My brushwork varies—sometimes precise, other times free-flowing. Each stroke contributes to the narrative. My watercolors capture fleeting moments—the play of light on fading ferns, the flight of a blue crane, or the vivid hues of a flower. My art invites you to embrace spontaneity, find beauty in imperfection, and connect with the natural world. Through color and form, my  watercolors evoke wonder and remind us of our shared existence within this vast, ever-changing canvas.”
