Michael Murison


My formal art training has been through creative art classes in the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of Strathclyde.

In 2015 I reached the final stage of the BBC Little Painting Challenge and my entry was chosen as one of those exhibited at the Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester.

Most recently, the art department of the new Rebus series, out in 2024, used one of my paintings in the set design.
and my painting ‘Blue Moon’ featured on the cover of artmag, issue 278 August 25th. 2023

I mainly paint landscapes, seascapes and cityscapes and occasionally portraits and still lifes.

My favoured medium is acrylics.

When I started painting I favoured realism. As time went on I sometimes dipped a toe in expressionism and abstraction. Now I like my work to be a true memory of a place - to look like what I think of when I remember it - not like what I see when I look at a photograph I have taken. My best work comes from a memory of a favourite place or time of year.

My paintings have been exhibited and sold at;

The ScotlandArt Gallery, Bath Street, Glasgow

ARTeries Gallery, Glasgow

The Thistle Gallery, Glasgow.

ScotlandArtists, Bothwell.

The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester.

Clarkston and District Annual Christian Aid Exhibition
